Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

IRCICA project " Smart Cities"

Smart Cities is an interdisciplinary project, internal of IRCICA (http://www.ircica.univ-lille1.fr/ ), in collaboration with the laboratory of Civil Engineering of Lille I. It builds on the expertise of several teams hosted by IRCICA (RF networks, sensors, high-performance and real-time embedded systems computing, pattern recognition). The scientific problem, we tackle within this project, is to develop an intelligent platform for managing accidents and incidents in the drinking water and wastewater. In this platform, a permanent dialogue M2M (machine to machine) between servers, embedded systems (laptops, smartphones, tablets, ... ), smart cameras, and sensors, will detect and solve problems in real time.

Scientific problems relate to the study of the possibility of linking objects (cameras , sensors, servers ...) all together, with a standardized mixed network (radio frequency wifi and internet). DreamPal is responsible for implementing the part of the hardware platform for high performance dedicated to intelligent video applications using the HoMade softcore. This work involves the processing of data , analysis of video images, the use of these data, and the integration of embedded reconfigurable components (on Xilinx Zynq 7000 board) as well as the existing RF network cards. It uses the video data acquisition to apply algorithms to detect such an anomaly on the water in a part of the building, or abnormal number of people in a given area, or any information about a specific person such as the recognition of face, the nature of motion. The work done during this year usefully supplements our platform by developing video modules dedicated to intelligent surveillance .